Please note that there is a slight problem with the sound at the start of this interview but it is soon corrected
Profits help fund the cannabis campaign.
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MY PIECE OF PEACE FACEBOOK PAGE This is my story of my journey through life to finding appreciation, contentment and peace through the teachings and Knowledge of Prem Rawat. In 1972, after returning to the UK from an overland trip to India, friends in Norwich told me about their teacher, then known as "Guru Maharaj Ji", who was just 14 at the time, and his "Knowledge". Despite being sceptical at first, I soon asked to be shown the four techniques that enabled one to look within inside and focus on the experience of peace and joy that can be found there. It was a life-changing experience for me . To this day I am grateful to Prem and continue to listen to his talks. |
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AN ALLIANCE OF EYES FACEBOOK PAGE AN EXUBERANCE OF EMOTIVE EXPRESSIONS AND EXPERIENCES TO ENKINDLE EXISTENCE. A Collection of words by an alliance of authors and eyes. Includes words from Mars Bilters, Alun Buffry, Melisssa Doordaughter, Sarah Dougan aka Sarah Sativa, Ryan Kief, Simon King, Winston Matthews, Clara O'Donnell, Luke Richardson, Paul Roberts and Ali Taylor with sketches by Jacqui Malkin |
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THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A HAT Alun Buffry LIFE ON THE BRIM FACEBOOK PAGE Two books in one. The adventures of Myhat on the journey to India previously published in “All About My Hat The Hippy Trail 1972” have been described as humorous and educational, whilst “MyHat in Egypt Through the Eyes of a God” takes the reader through modern day tourism in Egypt to fantasy time travel and murder mystery in ancient Egypt. Now with 360 pages, the reader can enjoy the best of both. |
I had wanted to go back the India
My next trip there was to be a holiday on the houseboats of Kashmir, In 1985, I made a two month journey around Northern India, Nepal and Kashmir with Lesley.
The following was written up from my notebooks from those times. Many of the descriptions of places, temples and such, have been copied from entries in my journals of the times which themselves were copied from pamphlets. However, I have also added up-to-date information from on-line, to make them more complete. |
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If Only Suomi is a story of love through time. At first thought, the difference between past, present and future may seem obvious. The past has happened, the present is now and the future has yet to come. Second by second, our future becomes our past. That is if time is linear and we travel in a straight line. But what if we could travel in time, your past can become your future or your future can become your past? What if your future could become your past? What sort of paradox could we create? How careful would one have to be to avoid even wiping oneself out of time altogether? What if you went back in time and fell in love, then had to return to the present, leaving your love behind? What if you could travel back and change your past to change the present and your future or even to live your life a second time? This is a story of how the future changed the past, when Al from 2028 travels back to 1972, just for three days. This is a science fiction story and a romance, for Al falls in love in 1972 and then has to return to 2028 without his beloved Suomi. Will they ever meet again? Time can sometimes work wonders |
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My life from an early age to the date of writing (March 2021) with 274 pictures of people and places. Whether we laugh, or whether we cry, the river of life goes rushing by, down the hills and mountain sides, into valleys, long and wide, towards the ocean that is its goal, it's journey travelled by our soul. |
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A Commemorative Edition for the twentieth anniversary of the first time a cannabis-focused political party put candidates in a UK general election, the Legalise Cannabis Alliance (LCA). This book reproduces the LCA Manifesto, "Legalise and Utilise" which I first put together in 1999; also copies of many of the candidates' election fliers, local and Parliamentary, photos of activists, candidates and gatherings along with the document put together by the late Don Barnard and myself “Cannabis: Challenging the Criminal Justice System”, commonly known as "The Challenge" and correspondence between LCA and Government. and more. Personally I think it was a historical time that brought cannabis into both the public awareness and the Political arena. We gave out almost a million fliers, did a Party Broadcast on the TV in Wales in 2005 numerous press interviews and articles, spoke at the Oxford Union, colleges and even schools. The term “legalise cannabis” means to legalise the possession, cultivation and supply of cannabis. Sadly we have lost many since then, so let this also be a tribute to them: Michael Fell, Mick Pryce, Dave Woofer Barker, Levi McCarthy, Patrick Patman Denning, Lezley von Goetz, Eddie Ellison, Paul Fowler, Dottie Baldwin, Jackie Barnard, John Crome, Biz Ivol, Derrick Large, Grannie Pat Tabram, Stewart Talbot, Mark Palmer, Tom Hanson, Chris Baldwin, John Cripps, Joep Oomen, Don Barnard, Phil Stovell, Ivor Garfield, Colin Paisley, Frank Kirk, Howard Marks and Ann Clarke. |
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We The Undersigned (WTU) was a community group, all united in the shared belief in the most ancient, traditional and fundamental human right to be free to sow the seeds of the highly nutritious herb of the cannabis family, to care for and nurture, then harvest, prepare, medicate, enjoy and share, free from the fear of persecution, prosecution or prison for this fundamental health choice to manage our health, well-being and happiness with natural herbal cannabis, as Humanity has done so for millennia, until the lies of cannabis prohibition began in 1928. WTU supporters are uniting to raise legal challenge against the British Government for its misrepresentation of the truth and its denial of our fundamental human rights to freedom of consciousness, expression of identity, to peaceful beliefs and practices, to a private life, to pursue the best quality of life, well-being and happiness possible free from arbitrary interference from the State.
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DAMAGE AND HUMANITY FACEBOOK PAGE Damage and Humanity in Custody is a study and comparison of the prison "experience" as described by inmates of HMP Blantyre House compared with their experience in maximum security prisons, based on the responses of inmates to a survey created by Jim Semple, Governor of HMP Blantyre House in the mid 1990's. |
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TIME FOR CANNABIS FACEBOOK PAGE The author was arrested for cannabis and sent to prison for ten years. This book reflects his personal experience and serves as a valuable comparison of prison regimes, how prison can damage and how prison can repair. HMP Norwich, Cardiff, Whitemoor and Blantyre House 1991 to 1995. |
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ALL ABOUT MY HAT FACEBOOK PAGE An incredible journey in 1972 of a young man and his hat, "Myhat", from Thessalonki in Greece through Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India - and back to the UK, through poverty and illness, a journey not forgotten. Passing through Istanbul, Izmir, Ephesus (Efes), Antalya, Antakya, Aleppo, Deir el Zur, Qa'im, Baghdad, Tehran, Mashad, Herat, Kandahar, Kabul, Khyber Pass, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Amritsar, Delhi, Agra, Haridwar and Rishikesh - known now as "The Hippy Trail". |
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It was in Norwich prison whilst on remand in 1991 that Alun Buffry was approached by Jack Girling during a prison visit, and invited to help him and others form the Campaign to Legalise Cannabis International Association (CLCIA).In 1992, whilst on bail, the CLCIA was formed but it would not be until after Alun Buffry was released on parole in 1995, having served four-and-a-half years, that he started to dedicate himself to the cause of legalising the possession, cultivation and trade of cannabis in the UK.In the General Election of 1997, Howard Marks contested four seats on the single issue of cannabis. In 1999, the campaign registered as a political party in the UK under the name Legalise Cannabis Alliance (LCA).The LCA fought in over 80 elections including Parliamentary, local council and county councils, did numerous talks and interviews, gave oral evidence to the Home Affairs Committee and the Basque Government in Spain, debated at The Oxford Union and at universities, attended marches and rallies protests and picnics and produced the first and only Party Political Broadcast by a cannabis party, shown on TV in Wales in 2005.This is Alun Buffry's no-holds-barred story, from his prospective, detailing his own activities and those of others, over the period 1991 to 2011. |
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WORDS OF WEED AND WISDOM FACEBOOK PAGE An Anthology by Alun Buffry, Clara O'Donell, Jezza Austin, Mars Bilters, Melissa Doordaughter, Phil Monk, Rocky van de Benderskum, Ryan Kif, Sarah Sativa AKA Sarah Dougan, Steve Cook with sketches by Jacqui Malkin |
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An Anthology by Alun Buffry, Clara O'Donnell, Rocky van de Benderskum, Phil Monk, Jacqui Malkin, Ryan Kief, Mars Bilters, Jezz Austin and Steve Cook |